Sunday, February 10, 2008

In the Beginning ....

Perhaps some history would be appropriate. Dec 23, 1995 (yes, back in the 20th century) I was offered a position in the US. Never one to spend too much time debating a good opportunity by Jan 10 I was in Augusta, GA. That was meant to be a 6 month project.

Three jobs and twelve years later, I'm still here. I will admit I've worked too much, at least up until about 2005. I guess that was the path that has lead me to this blog, far away from the corporate world that brought me to the USA. I departed the corporate life in 2002, opening my own motorcycle dealership in the mountains outside Atlanta - so much for all those years in law school.

The dealership brought many changes, including my mother over from Australia to help me run the place. Thankfully she's put up with me and has now moved into my place to care for the furry children while I'm off seeing the country. Two of the three pictured. Little Bear likes to play catch and Harley generally lays around, except when she's attacking the others. Suzuki, the third of them is out catching something so couldn't be photographed.

In 2006 the economy started declining and those in "consumer pleasurables" felt it first. With sales slowing, it was easier to close the dealership than to tough out a recession so although 2006 was actually a pretty good year, we began considering our options. After some tough decisions (due mostly to not wanting to let go of a great staff) we gave up our brands in Dec 2007 and have been going through the steps to close it down. It also gave me a great excuse to enjoy life for a year or two before deciding on the next big thing.

That leads me to 2008, a year of discovery, travels, friends and a new found happiness.